Barriers to Creativity

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Welcome back for Lesson Two!

Today’s lesson unpacks one of the biggest challenges you will face as a photographer.

It’s one that I’ve seen come up time and time again in my 11+ years of teaching Lightroom and Photoshop…

And that is feeling stuck in a creative rut.

  • Have you ever felt overwhelmed once you jump into Lightroom and Photoshop? 
  • Completely lost on the next step to take?
  • Or perhaps you spent an hour (or more!) on a single image…and are STILL unsatisfied with the result? 

It can be quite defeating to feel like your creativity has plateaued, especially when you’re excited and energized by what you’ve captured in the field.

Because rarely does the raw file accurately represent what we saw and felt when photographing the moment…

So we rely on the darkroom to enhance our images and bring that experience to fruition. 

However, our processing “workflow” can sometimes feel like it’s just random button-pushing and slider adjustments…

Until we compromise for a final image that never reached its full potential because we don’t know what else to do. 

This is a VERY common challenge with both new and seasoned photographers once they enter the darkroom…and it makes you feel like you’re stuck in a creative rut.

Here’s the problem:

There are hidden “creative barriers” standing in your way that prevent you from moving forward.

And here’s the BIGGER problem:

Many photographers aren’t even aware that these barriers exist, so they can’t pinpoint the cause…

And when you can’t identify the cause, you lack the necessary context to overcome these roadblocks and create the image you desire. 

So instead, we tend to blame ourselves…

“I’m in a creative rut”.

“I need to wait for inspiration to hit me”. 

“I guess I’m just not that imaginative”.

It’s defeating, but entirely avoidable. 

So rather than settling for an image that’s just “good enough”, we need to first clearly identify these creative barriers that make the darkroom SEEM like such a challenging space. 

Because there is a BIG difference between just processing an image, and creating a photograph that expresses our vision…

And in the following video, I’ll show you the most common barriers that are preventing you from reaching your full potential and siphoning the fun out of processing.

HINT: It’s almost never because of a lack of technical skill! 

Here’s what you’ll learn in your second lesson:

  • Why it’s a myth that some photographers are just naturally “gifted” with artistic abilities, and that a true talent for expression can not be taught.
  • Why sitting back and waiting for inspiration to hit you rarely works.
  • How to overcome indecision in the darkroom, and why this is your biggest enemy.
  • Why you can not base the value of your art on what others deem as aesthetically pleasing…and how to properly curate feedback as constructive or subjective.
  • Why thinking “like an artist” can sabotage your creative process.
  • What it truly means when you come home without an image you like.
  • The REAL reason why we doubt our creative abilities as photographers, and how detrimental this can be to our ability to express freely and authentically.
  • What to do when the creative energy and excitement you had when taking the photo isn’t carried over to the darkroom.

Here’s why this lesson is so important:

Even if your images are aesthetically pleasing…

If they don’t tell the story you want them to tell, and if they don’t convey the atmosphere of that experience…your photography is going to feel like an empty win. 

I’m sure you have a treasure trove of images in your portfolio right now that you initially passed over because these barriers were standing in your way…just waiting to be processed and polished!

In a few days, you’ll receive your third lesson where we will dive deep into the root causes of overwhelm, confusion, and frustration whenever you attempt to learn a new darkroom skill…

And how to reassemble your processing workflow that makes learning effortless, fun, and most importantly – creatively rewarding!

I think you’re going to find it very enlightening.