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A Complete Training Program

For Lightroom Classic

  • Do you capture magnificent moments in the field, but find that your photographs lack that magic straight out of the camera?
  • Do you see extraordinary landscapes from other photographers, but feel like you can never get the same results with your own?
  • Are you confused by all of the different processing tools and techniques, and lack direction on what to do?
  • Have you spent hours changing the color, contrast, exposure, cropping…only to be disappointed by the results?
  • Do you have difficulty finding a unique processing style to call your own?
  • Do you find that your workflow bottlenecks once you bring your photos into Lightroom?
  • Do you find Lightroom overwhelming when you know they shouldn’t be?
  • If I showed you a comprehensive, complete, and worthwhile investment in your photography that you can grow into…would you be interested?

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My name is Christopher O’Donnell. When it comes to processing exceptional landscape photographs, most programs will teach you that MORE is better.

More tutorials.

More tips and tricks.

More actions and presets.

The result? A random collection of hit-or-miss techniques with no continuity that leaves you overwhelmed, confused, and misled.

This is an awfully convoluted way to learn Lightroom.

Instead, you require a proven system for creating extraordinary, fulfilling landscapes with total confidence…

Where even the most advanced techniques are broken down into clear and simple steps…

And you learn how to use the digital darkroom with focus, intent, and direction to create your very best images.


Lightroom for Landscapes


The most complete and comprehensive Lightroom course in the world…

Just for Landscape Photography!

From Idea to Execution

Before and After

When you piece together a processing workflow that is customized to YOUR creative vision, you'll be able to enhance any photograph...

This is especially vital for landscape photography...where the content, lighting, and detail can vary greatly.

Imagine being able to go back through your older images and breathe new life into them...

Finally creating the extraordinary photograph you originally envisioned.

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Here's what you'll learn about Lightroom...

Study Book 12 Courses

Find and Prevent Missing Images - CreativeRAW

Understand EXACTLY how Lightroom "thinks" and how to set up YOUR best workspace.

One common thread I've noticed with photographers who struggle with Lightroom is that they don't comprehend how it works fundamentally...and that is your biggest roadblock. I'll show you exactly how Lightroom connects to your images through the catalog (and what happens to your original photographs), how to import, export, and print your images the right way, and how to properly manage your catalog file(s)...making Lightroom simple and fun to use.

Tidy Up Your Collections - CreativeRAW

Flawless organization on auto-pilot.

Discover how to leverage the strongest features of the Library module for automated image organization and management. By using smart collections, keywords, virtual copies, and stacks...I'll help you create a simple and dynamic system for culling and organizing your images quickly...and will give you my personal tips for keeping your library tidy, simple, and VERY easy to manage.


Clean and enhance hidden details in your raw photographs.

Much like any creative medium, you need to properly "prime the canvas" for the creative stage. Sometimes, images are great straight out of the camera...but more often than not, they need some initial improvements. And if you're using raw format, you're leaving a LOT of detail on the table if you don't know how to properly enhance your images.

Learn how to clear away distractions and pull hidden detail out of your shadows and highlights...unlocking the full benefits of raw and paving the way to an exceptional photograph.


Build and strengthen the value, color, and contrast.

While there are many tools and techniques at your disposal, your time in the darkroom all comes down to:

1. identifying your creative intent
2. enhancing the qualities that help to express that vision, and
3. minimizing qualities that distract from it

And that is achieved by strengthening the relationship between luminosity, color, and contrast...and finding a pleasing balance between all three.

Discover how to create and enrich your colors, enhance the atmosphere by directing light and shadow, and amplify detail and texture to bring attention to your focal points...all with a degree of control and quality that is simply not possible with just your camera.

Most importantly, you'll learn how to genuinely love the creative process when you realize just how simple it can be to build a magnificent portfolio.

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Print, Export, and Backup

You can create the most magnificent portfolio of photographs with Lightroom...but what does that matter if you don't have a final print to show?

Learn the essential and advanced tools of Lightroom to expertly print, save, and export your image to their final destination....whether that's your wall, to a publisher, or your website!

Also discover exactly how to properly and securely back up your entire library of photographs so you never have to worry about losing your precious work.

...And that just covers only 50% of what you'll learn in this program.

Envision, Create, and Refine

The best part about this program is that it DOES NOT RELY ON PRESETS – meaning you will actually learn step-by-step how to process your very best landscapes instead of depending on automation.

This level of Lightroom expertise will pay off exponentially as you'll be able to instantly know how you want to enhance your images...

And the exact steps needed to get your image there...

Making the darkroom easier, more enjoyable, and creatively fulfilling!

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Here's What Other Landscape Photographers Have to Say...

Member Reviews

Randall Huleva - CreativeRAW

Randall Huleva

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I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for the absolutely fabulous courses and tutorials that you have produced - and for being absolutely the BEST photo educator I have personally encountered.

I have had a lot of memberships over the years - many with the biggest and most famous names in this business. However, I find your sincere, down to earth and extremely knowledgeable style - all while being one of the nicest and most humble people I have had the pleasure to work with - to be far superior to them all!

Your program has been one of the best investments I have ever made in my photography. I was skeptical at first because I had heard the same “sales promotions” pitched so many times before. While most of them ended up being a disappointment, your courses have exceeded even my most optimistic HOPES of what a good course should be.

Geoff Dawes - CreativeRAW

Geoff Dawes

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Well thought out and very well produced. It is the most comprehensive and helpful course I have ever taken, and I have taken a lot of courses.

The “nuts and bolts” of the course, learning the myriad of buttons and controls, is done in such a way as to be extremely easy to follow and implement. But what puts this course a level above any other I have done is the fact that Chris explains in great detail why one would use the adjustments explained. This has meant for me that when I take a photograph my decisions are not just based on field conditions anymore, but also on what I can achieve later in post-processing.

The day I signed up to Creative Raw was the start of an incredible journey that has brought me much further than I could have ever imagined. If I had a teacher like you as a child, there would be nothing I couldn't achieve. I am so looking forward to the next batch of lessons. I have never had so much fun learning something new.

Thank you Chris, you will never know how much I appreciate the incredible tutorials that you produce.


Wayne Gillepsie

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Chris' knowledge of Photoshop and Lightroom is off the charts and his ability to explain it to newbies like me is equally invaluable. He is so dedicated to his craft and his sharing of this knowledge with the members just shows how passionate he is to teach the world how to master the very intimidating world of Photoshop and Lightroom.

On top of that, the 24-7 one on one help is just as he states. A mere email away. I have asked him many times to explain things to me and his response is almost immediate and so helpful. He won't make you feel intimidated to ask at any time.

I can say, because I have tried other sites, that you will never get this type of support without having to pay an awful lot more and have a subscription that constantly has to be renewed with additional funds ad infinitum.

My photography has improved immensely by viewing and using the techniques that are taught at Creative Raw. There were many times that I really wanted to throw a brick through my monitor when I used Photoshop. That is no longer the case. When I get stuck now I will just send a jingle to Chris and he will get right back with a detailed explanation of what I am missing.

If you have any need to improve your skills in Lightroom and Photoshop, I would highly recommend that you become a lifetime member immediately and begin the journey to mastering these programs with Chris' help. You will not be disappointed.


Paula Buermele

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I began learning Lightroom with Chris’s classes in 2015. I was new to digital photography and I knew nothing about how to process a photo.

Chris’s method of teaching is very methodical and the lessons are presented in a logical order. I was able to build a sensible workflow right from the beginning. Most other teaching programs ignore things like lens correction and the transform tools but no stone is left unturned in the creativeRAW modules. I not only built a solid set of processing skills, I built confidence in my results.

The most important thing I learned was how to analyze my photos to see what needed adjustment. I didn’t waste time just guessing what to do or experimenting and getting a pleasing result with no idea about how I got the result or how to repeat it on other photos.

The lifetime membership option is especially valuable. I know I can count on Chris to help me work through a question or give helpful advice on how to solve a problem that eludes me. The facebook forum is also a gentle way to stay in touch with other photographers and get inspiration or simply enjoy other people’s work.

I highly recommend these courses for photographers who want their photos to reflect the beauty of their work."

Michael Fitzpatrick - CreativeRAW

Mike Fitzpatrick

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When I retired I began a quest to get back into photography and learn PS and LR. I utilized free and paid subscriptions from a variety of web sources and acquired Chris’s initial Lightroom course in a bundle.

I was blown away by the course which was far superior to any others I had seen both in terms of organization and content. I have since become a lifetime member of The Darkroom for Landscapes and never regretted it. The new website is beautiful and I look forward to completing the new PS courses.

The courses offer something for beginners to advanced users and information is presented in an easy-to-follow format that tracks your progress and offers quick links to review areas that need additional work.

It is evident that Chris cares deeply about his craft and unselfishly shares his knowledge with others. He is continually adding content and provides free one-on one-support. I would like to thank Chris for all his efforts and strongly encourage others to consider a lifetime membership. You will be happy you did.


Larry Nevins

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I don’t typically write, but I have to this time. I want to thank you VERY much for these videos. I am an amateur photographer that is exploring using stock photography to build up another income source. Lightroom has been an enigma to me, and my fear of delving into it has kept me from doing any significant post-processing.

The course is easily the best money I’ve spent to help me overcome my fear of LR and post-processing. You’ve produced a powerful and extremely useful tool for folks like me who were afraid of LR. I’ve already been able to select and edit enough images to be able to submit to stock agencies to get started. This is a big step forward for me; one which I’ve hesitated to take for too long.

The course is tremendously valuable. Even more valuable is your willingness to answer questions and offer advice – to be a mentor. Thank you!

Wendy Jacobs - CreativeRAW

Wendy Jacobs

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As a novice photographer, this course was an inspiration. Previously I had looked at a number of tutorials which in the main assumed a certain amount of knowledge that I just did not have.

I then came across tutorials by Chris O’Donnell and suddenly I had found someone who was able to explain the basics of Lightroom for landscape photography in a very detailed and easy-to-understand way.

After viewing a number of free tutorials by Chris I decided to take the plunge and sign up for a lifetime subscription to his courses. This was the beginning of a great learning experience. The course was compiled in a very structured and easy to follow set of lessons, which could be viewed as often as you wished and in any order if you wanted to go over a particular area which was proving difficult.

The other way in which this course excels is in the one-on-one support. Chris makes it easy to email him with any questions and responds so quickly I was amazed at the promptness and thoroughness of his replies. Every question is treated courteously, although I am sure some of mine showed my lack of knowledge of the subject originally.

My photography has improved immensely and I have recommended to a number of my friends and to fellow members of the camera club to which I belong, that they should not hesitate to become lifetime members.


Joen Wolfrom

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As a long-term Lightroom underachiever, I vowed that this year was my year to become proficient in Lightroom. Hence I jumped at the chance to enroll in Chris O’Donnell’s online class. Chris’s lessons, presented in a sequential learning style, set me right on-course.

The first lessons were welcome reviews with new insights presented in an informal, learning-friendly pace. Subsequent lessons gave me the much-needed information that I yearned to know and provided me with hands-on experimentation for skill-building. I am thrilled with my new-found knowledge and photo-editing skills. For me, this class has been a priceless opportunity.

Knowing this, he should be truly impressed with himself, as it’s been sunny and in the 70s and 80s these past few days and I haven’t even noticed. I’ve been immersed in the lessons and my practice images. My head is spinning; my notebook is jammed with notes, and I’m on a Lightroom high!

I so amazed at how much Lightroom has to offer that I never knew. Wow! Obviously, I have done very little processing of my many thousands of pictures. It’s daunting and somewhat laughable to think about what I didn’t know I didn’t know. :-)

My eyes are now wide open…..waiting for the next section to unveil many more concepts and hints that I now don’t know. I can hardly wait for tomorrow to appear. Cheers!


Mark Hawley

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I would recommend The Darkroom for Landscapes for anyone who is serious about their photography and for those that use/want to master Lightroom and Photoshop. Initially, I started with the free tutorials that Chris O'Donnell made available, but that was enough to make me want to enrol as a Lifetime Member and I am glad that I did!

Chris provides excellent tutorials that go into great detail of how to use Lightroom (LR) and Photoshop (PS), from getting used to the programs through to more complicated techniques of layer masks and exposure blending.

When I first started to use these programs I was rather overwhelmed by the steep learning curve required, but following Chris's videos has helped me to overcome my fear and really start to grasp the power and versatility of LR and PS, so that already I can start to see the difference in my photos.

My fellow members are also showing improvements with their pictures as we are able to share and comment on each other's photos. I have seen several occasions where members have listened to the suggestions of others and adjusted their photos accordingly. Similarly, I have learnt a lot from them as they are happy to share their camera settings/techniques, etc., all backed up with the one-to-one tuition that Chris offers within the Lifetime Membership.


Stephen Bavis

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I just want to let you know how pleased I am with my purchase of The Darkroom for Landscapes.

The quality of the videos is superb, taking us through the detailed steps necessary to get the best out of Lightroom and Photoshop. My photo processing has improved significantly as a result of following the techniques you explain. In part, that is helped by you providing copies of the files you work with in the videos so that we can copy what you do. The best way to learn, is to do!

I’m also impressed by the level of personal support you provide. I started the Lightroom course using an older version. When I contacted you to explain the issues I was having, you provided an older copy of the Lightroom catalog so that I could practise the techniques. You are also open to answering detailed questions, which is a big help to those of us just starting out on the Lightroom journey. Plus, your response is very quick, usually within a day (despite the time zone difference between the USA and the UK!).

In addition, the private group is very active and, therefore, very informative and inspirational.

Overall, I am very impressed and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the program to other photographers who need help in using Lightroom or Photoshop.

Members Gallery

All the images below were created by students of Lightroom for Landscapes...

And many of them had little to no prior experience with Lightroom before joining!


Imagine That You Could...

  • Master the Lightroom skills needed to create extraordinary photographs.
  • Know the exact steps needed to enhance your images – ahead of time.
  • Recreate those magical moments you witnessed in the field.
  • Never lack direction on what to do next in Lightroom.
  • Develop a creative processing style that you can call your own.
  • Never feel disappointed with lackluster images ever again.
  • And have a comprehensive, complete, and worthwhile investment in your photography that you can grow into!

The Lightroom for Landscapes Training Program

You're Getting...

  • 300+ Video Lessons on Lightroom Classic
  • Both 4K Streaming and HD Downloads Available
  • 30+ Hours of Video Content
  • 15+ Cheatsheets, eBooks, and Study Guides
  • 20+ Practice Files
  • Lifetime Program Access
  • Lifetime Program Updates/Additions

What you will learn in this program:

  • Constructing Your Darkroom Workflow
  • How Lightroom Works
  • Lightroom Catalog Management
  • Lightroom Importing, Previews, and Image Files
  • Lightroom Library Module Basics
  • Culling, Rating, and Organizing Images
  • Lightroom Smart Collections and Folders
  • Lightroom Keyword Management and Strategies
  • The Map Module
  • Using Lightroom Classic and CC Together
  • The Develop Module Basics
  • Image Recovery Tools and Techniques
  • Contrast and Luminosity Adjustments
  • Profiles and Presets
  • Color Correction and Balancing
  • Local Adjustment Tools
  • Perspective and Distortion Correction
  • Black and White Processing
  • Advanced Color Processing
  • Exposure Blending and HDR Panoramas
  • Creating the Atmosphere
  • Advanced Dodging and Burning
  • Printing, Exporting, and Backup

Save 70% as a 5DayDeal Customer!

Get Started Today


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You’re Fully Covered With a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Lightroom for Landscapes Training Program walks you through the exact workflow that I use for my own photographs. I have gone through years of trial-and-error to refine and enhance a process that creates intense, dramatic landscape photographs using innovative, yet simple Lightroom and Photoshop techniques.

I am absolutely confident that you will find the same results I did and will see a dramatic improvement in your landscape images.

If you feel like you haven’t got 10X the value of this program, I will promptly refund your money within 60 days of purchase. Absolutely no questions asked, and no hard feelings.

I’m happy to offer this guarantee because I am certain you will love this program. If you think there’s even a slight chance that this will enhance your landscape photography, you should enroll today as there is absolutely NO RISK in doing so.

A few video samples of what you'll find in the program...

Video Samples

Fair Warning!

If you're only looking for "hacks", shortcuts, and one-click presets that give your photographs an instant "pop"....this isn't the program for you. By investing in this program, you're doing much more than simply making a one-off purchase like a book or attending a workshop, where the value abruptly ends...

...nor is this your typical hodge-podge of random "shortcut" tutorials with no thread of continuity.

With The Lightroom for Landscapes, you are investing in the most comprehensive and complete Lightroom Classic course you will ever find.

This is a true investment that will grow with you. I am always adding more to the program, so your craft will never plateau.

There are photographers who joined this program over six years ago and they still get immense value to this day....and as you'll read below, they call it the best investment they've made in their photography.

Create the Images You've Always Wanted to...

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Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions:


When I created Lightroom for Landscapes, I did not want it to be “just another course”. This is meant to be a permanent education that grows and evolves with you as a photographer.

Each topic starts out as if you were a true beginner, walking you through those essential first steps that will set you up for years of success in Lightroom Classic….and then gently, but steadily, advance your skills forward to the expert level.

This program is a perfect fit for all levels since even the most advanced users will discover nuggets of gold that revolutionize their workflow. And as you'll find in the member reviews, many seasoned photographers were shocked to discover how much they didn't know about the darkroom.

With complete access to my “Advanced Topic” courses for one full year, you’ll also learn top-tier level workflows that you can not find anywhere else....making The Darkroom well worth your one-time investment.

That’s the best part: immediately! No need to wait for multiple gigabytes to download as you sift through folders of lessons. The entire program is loaded and ready to go as soon as you enroll, and lessons are laid out sensibly so you can easily navigate to the exact topic you want to start with.

Of course, you can also download every video for offline viewing – it’s entirely up to you. There is no expiration on enrollment, so you can log in at any time to watch and/or download the lessons.

Absolutely. The entire program is available via streaming and each video lesson can be downloaded to your computer with no limits whatsoever.

By offering both streaming and downloads, you can access the program from any device regardless of location or internet speed.

The program was specifically designed to be accessed from any device, and as many devices as you need. While you'll probably do most of your work on a desktop/laptop, the streaming videos make it simple to watch on mobile and tablets. No access limits whatsoever.

The Lightroom modules are designed to work best with Lightroom Classic (standalone desktop version). You can use this program for earlier versions of Lightroom, but keep in mind that some lessons will not apply.

Lightroom CC (mobile-centric version) is not covered in detail since that is outside the scope of this program, but there are several chapters that show you how to integrate it with Classic for a holistic workflow from mobile to desktop.

The Lightroom for Landscapes Program details the exact workflow that I use for my own photographs. I have spent years of trial-and-error refining and enhancing this system, and I am absolutely confident that you will find the same results I did and will see a dramatic improvement in your Lightroom and Photoshop experience.

If for any reason you decide that this program is not right for you, just let me know within 60 days of purchase and I will gladly refund your money. Absolutely no questions asked, and NO FINE PRINT.

I’m happy to absorb all of the risks and offer this guarantee because I am certain you will love this program, but I understand it may not be for everyone – so there is no risk whatsoever.


My name is Christopher O’Donnell, landscape photographer and online educator, and I’ve been using Lightroom and Photoshop to process my photos for quite a few years now (Photoshop since 2006, and Lightroom came along a few years later).

I don’t tell you what you “should” or “should not” do. Instead, I pull the curtain back on my creative techniques and workflows, revealing my own perspective and experiences after 11+ years immersed in landscape photography...and equip you with the knowledge so you can decide how (and where) these new skills fit into YOUR darkroom workflow.

The goal of my program is to get your creative gears grinding with protective “bumpers” to work within, and equip you with the necessary knowledge to develop your own techniques with total confidence – both in the digital darkroom and the field.

Not only is this creatively satisfying, but it sets you up for future success by relying on your own skills to perfect your craft!

Here’s the short and simple…

It doesn’t matter how skillful you are with your camera or how exceptional your photographs are. If you don’t have a proper mentor showing you how to use Lightroom and Photoshop, you’ll end up making a lot of regrettable mistakes, waste an immense amount of time (and probably money), and have an all-around miserable experience.

No one wants to waste hours “googling” tutorials for mediocre answers (at best)…

Instead of showing you how to dig yourself out of a hole, I’ll show you how to avoid the hole altogether by teaching you the right way, the first time.

Now I still firmly believe that anyone can master Lightroom themselves…if they have a lot of time on their hands…

However, attempting to go at this alone will result in overwhelm, confusion, and can potentially lead you far down the wrong path. Don’t go down that rabbit hole trying to learn everything, but ultimately mastering nothing.

You already know that having an experienced, dedicated mentor can make all the difference in how soon you master your craft.

This program will make you more comfortable, more competent, and more confident with the digital darkroom than you’ve ever been. You’ll learn to process with intent, direction, and confidence…which will give you a more fulfilling portfolio that is a true representation of your creative vision.

If you know that the next stage in your darkroom journey is the help of a qualified mentor…then I’d like to invite you to join me in The Lightroom for Landscapes!

Save 70% as a 5DayDeal Customer!

Enroll Today


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More testimonials from Members...


I have used Lightroom for some time now, but still I decided to work through your program systematically from the beginning. I thought I knew the most, but in every lesson, I discover things that I didn't know. The lessons about toning and presence sliders were a complete eye-opener for me. I must practice the things you mention in the lessons, but now I understand the "why" of what I am doing.

I want to give you a big compliment. I worked in education all my life (I am retired now). First as a teacher, later as the principal of a primary school. I think you are a great teacher. The lessons have a good structure, your speech is calm and your explanation enlightening.

I will sure try exposure blending. Never did that before. I don't have a full-frame camera, so my dynamic range is not very big. So this might be a solution for some problems for me.

Summary: I am an enthusiastic participant. Thank you for all your work.

Gradus van Assen
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I have watched all your lessons up to this point. I like to point out that although I have read quite a few books on LR and have watched quite some videos from renowned educators, I have never seen such a thorough piece of work as what you have presented up to now. You show me not only the how but also the why. And, it is all about the coherence of the separate parts of(post)processing.

It has been well worth waiting for the program to open up again. To me, what you do is much like applied science! Hats off!

Greetings and with humble respect.

Peter van den Broek
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I have been using Lightroom for about four years, I have seen many tutorials on the software but none of them go as in-depth as your course. I did not know the power of the catalog system; You also explained in detail each command, and why you would want to use them. Halfway thru your lessons I started making use of the keywording system, it took me about a month to catalog all my photos that I have taken over the last five years.

Now my workflow is faster and my images are looking better. I can't thank you enough.

Andy F.
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You are a champion and must have infinite patience. I must also tell you that I could not get to sleep last night because I was buzzing with the realisation of how important your tutorials and your individual help were in improving my workflow. WOW. Major thanks to you!

Reg Gibson
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