The Histogram

The Histogram

Table of Contents

1:09Lesson Overview
2:47Why We Use the Histogram (Passive vs. Active Tonal Protection)
6:16Deconstructing the Histogram Graph
9:06Interpreting the Histogram on an Image
10:49Using the Histogram to Identify Clipped Detail
13:46Clipping Warnings in Lightroom
16:26The Limits of Recovering Clipped Detail
17:53Why the In-Camera Histogram is not Accurate
20:13Color and the Histogram
22:21Lightness vs. Brightness in Lightroom
23:56The Myth of a “Perfect” Histogram
26:26Lesson Recap

The Histogram…

Easily one of the most useful tools in both the digital darkroom and in the field. This graph provides protective “bumpers” to help guide you to the perfect exposure, as well as prevent any damage from overprocessing.

Most of us know what a histogram is already, but knowing exactly how to interpret it can be a bit misleading.

In another “deep dive” tutorial, we’ll unpack the histogram and all of its wonderful features, so you can better use it to protect your tones and retain as much detail as possible in your images.

This lesson is a sample of what you’ll find in the creativeRAW Lifetime Membership Program. Click here for more details.

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{"@context": "","@type": "FAQPage","url": "","mainEntity": [{"@type": "Question","name": "The Histogram","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "Easily one of the most useful tools in both the digital darkroom and in the field. This graph provides protective “bumpers” to help guide you to the perfect exposure, as well as prevent any damage from overprocessing. Most of us know what a histogram is already, but knowing exactly how to interpret it can be a bit misleading. In another “deep dive” tutorial, we’ll unpack the histogram and all of its wonderful features, so you can better use it to protect your tones and retain as much detail as possible in your images."}}]}}